Business Owner Decision and Problem-Solving Support

Exclusive Business Advisory Firm

We focus on the medium to large SMEs and provide professional support at a fraction of the cost of an in-house resource or the use of a big consulting firm

Decision Making, Problem-Solving and Management Support

We provide business owners with advanced financial support and business experience gained from decades of C-level management experience to assist them with difficult decisions and other challenges or opportunities that are regularly faced in business.

There are literally hundreds of different scenarios that business owners can be faced with and we believe we can assist with most that require financial analysis (which impact a high percentage of them), such as:

  • Assessing alternative options e.g. buy or produce, lease or buy, in-house or outsource, sell Product A or Product B, own or rent, etc.
  • Feasibility studies e.g. opening new branches, adding new products, exporting of goods, manufacturing plant, new contracts, etc.
  • Financial analyses e.g. cash flow analyses, product profit contribution analyses, stock holdings, etc.
  • Cash flow analyses. This is probably the most important aspect of any small business and all owners need to understand their cash flow profile.
  • Accounting and other business systems. Businesses need to have excellent, integrated financial and other systems to be competitive and we can ensure that the information that needs to be measured to manage effectively is produced by the systems.
  • Any other unique financial issue (we will tell you if we cannot add value)
  • Financial health checks. Many SMEs have bookkeepers (rather than qualified accountants) and use accounting firms to produce their financial statements intermittently or annually. We can review the financial records and identify issues that, if not dealt with immediately, will likely to lead to financial loss and other nasty surprises (e.g. arising from theft, fraud, lax credit control, etc.). This will not apply to every SME but there is a risk and any concerns should trigger a review of this nature.
  • Improving operational and business processes, including the removal of obstacles to quick decisions and actions
  • Development of a financial and operational dashboard for the entrepreneur
  • Assisting the entrepreneur with the management of the SME through difficult financial, and operational periods, regulatory compliance issues, legal challenges, etc.
  • Completion of a full evaluation of the business’s short and long-term liquidity position through detailed cash flow projections, working capital requirements, fixed asset acquisitions and short and long term funding requirements.
  • Managing and performing financial and other due diligences on new business opportunities, projects, acquisitions, etc.
  • Developing an exit strategy (i.e. preparing to sell your business)

We can assist with all of these and most others requiring financial and business experience

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